Guided Meditation for the Flame

You can do this meditation on your own or with a group. I have attached a full-size printable copy of the image to this page. On Shabbat, Hanukkah or any holiday with candles, it is a particularly nice time to do this, or for a class. If with a group, let your guests know you have a guided visualization to share, which will involve some chanting first, and some silence afterward. Tell them you will let them know when to emerge from the silence which will last for a few minutes.

Focusing softly on the flames, begin to chant from Psalm 36:9 the sacred phrase in two gendered ways. (I understand that in Israel there are linguist groups working on a non-binary Hebrew.)

בְּאֹורְךָ נִרְאֶה־אֹֽור


*In Your light, we see light,
B'or-khah [masc.] Neereh Or, In Your light.

In Your light, we see light,
B'or-eykh [fem] Neereh Or, In Your light.

*another possible transiation is "by Your light"

Recite this together slowly, over and over, let it become a chant. Very slowly take them through each of the levels of soul in the diagram. Be sure to leave quiet time between each level. Reflecting on each level can be very interesting and meaningful. Take your time.

Now continue by reading the following aloud slowly to those present:

Nefesh. The blue core of the flame is the first level of soul. This is where you sense your soul and body connect, your center of vitality. Place your hand where you sense your soul and body are most connected. [Pause]

Ruach. The yellow band of the flame is the layer of anger, joy, sadness. It represents your feelings. [Pause]

Neshamah. The orange band of the flame. You are more than your feelings. You have another level of soul: your personality, thoughts, memories, opinions and innovations. [Pause]

Chayah. The black farfrizzlings that come off into the air as the flame burns, represent your intuition. This is also the quality of soul that helps you to stay alive during times when it feels like you are crawling on the ground with your fingernails to survive, to tolerate the pain of life. [Pause]

Yechidah. The candle’s heat and light. Who can say where this begins and ends? This is where your soul is unified with and undifferentiable from all Being. This is where you occupy space in creation, you are needed and particular. You contribute uniquely and, at the same time, you are in yechidut, unity, as the drop of water is with the ocean, as the leaf is with the tree, as the heat and light of the flame are simultaneously part of the shining of the original light of creation. [Pause]

Hold a really long silence at the end and then, as people come back to a group awareness, invite sharing. Please do not require sharing of anyone.

Whenever you invite sharing, it might be worthwhile to note the "and" method. If someone says something about which you feel differently, rather than invalidating them by saying they are wrong, say "and, what works nicely for me is..." or and "what I am noticing is...."

Sometimes when I do this meditation, I sense the expanding flame of each soul in the room along with me, radiating through shining faces and great hearts far beyond each physical body, a light that comes through us from a Source born long before we were and suddenly: the menorah of humanity is revealed.

Still and all, reading about my mystical experiences is not the same as having your own. Hopefully the reading stimulates useful thoughts, possibilities, and feelings. Even so, it is much like showing a postcard of a fountain, or picture of someone flying a plane--the words on the back are "having a great time, wish you were here."

It is your turn to try the flame. [and note, an adapted version to consider that was created by Debbie and Earl Sternfeld is attached as a PDF.]