
Guided Meditation for the Flame

You can do this meditation on your own or with a group. I have attached a full-size printable copy of the image to this page. On Shabbat, Hanukkah or any holiday with candles, it is a particularly nice time to do this, or for a class. If with a group, let your guests know you have a guided visualization to share, which will involve some chanting first, and some silence afterward. Tell them you will let them know when to emerge from the silence which will last for a few minutes.

Do Jews Believe in Life after Death

Is There a World-to-Come?

         Many options exist within the range of traditional Jewish sources on this matter:

Some say: The world to come is the world we leave to our children.

A Jewish Soul in a Gentile Body?

Dear Reb Shohama,

All my life I have felt a warm connection to Judaism, although I was born and raised in a gentile home. It kinds of feels like I have a Jewish soul in a gentile body. Have you heard of such a thing?

Shalom, Joseph

Dear Joseph,