Omer Activity: Netzach sheh b'Chessed

Netzach sheh b’Chessed. “The prophets were rooted in Netzach and Hod.”—Zohar. While Hod (pronounced hoed), Incubation, is tomorrow's attribute, sephirah, for these 49 days to receiving/ perceiving Torah, the Tree of Life, for now, please take a few minutes to imagine yourself having the determination and drive--netzach, to move a vision for action that you have been having forward towards realization. Next wrap this determination with lovingkindness and be with that combination of determination and drive wrapped with loving kindness for awhile.

Journal or draw/paint/sculpt your sense of this, or dance or play on a favorite instrument this sense of these two sephirot, attributes of the Tree of Life. Or, whatever way heps to place this sense into your spiritual treasure box for today.