Jurying Continues for the Jewish Feminist Songbook

Adding Our Voices: The Torah of Jewish Women in Song


Provisional Book Title:  Adding Our Voices: The Torah of Jewish Women in Song 

This initiative includes a volume of sheet music, on-line downloads, and clusters of contributing artists giving concerts and workshops on this theme world-wide. The goal is documenting the evolution and restoration of Jewish women's voices, visions, views and values in Jewish song and promoting gender inclusion in Jewish life, liturgy and practice. 

Editorial Team: Rabbi Geela Rayzel Raphael, Prof. Dr. Sarah Ross, and Rabbi Dr. Goldie Milgram

Send to: Rabbi Goldie Milgram, Editor-in-Chief, Reclaiming Judaism Press: rebgoldie@gmail.com.

What to send with your submissions:

1. Lyrics for review
   Note: Feminist, feminine, and/or gender-balanced God and subject language are most welcome. Compositions that use only male G*d or male grammar or male topic language are ineligible and this does also mean Biblical citations and traditional prayers, if used, must be in feminine or gender-balanced (for example n'varekh) language. 

2. Sound files, if you have them. 

3. Sheet music, if available. We will let you know if the lyrics/sound files are a fit before asking for sheet music and sound files or the jury process.

4. Have you been interviewed online or are there youtubes of your work, please send. We're working with a possible documentary film situation and they want to hear our people in these ways.

Timetable: Publication is anticipated by fall 2019.

Composer Rights:

a. Composers retain the copyright for all submissions and works accepted into this volume. 

Composers of works published in this volume will not receive free copies, but rather something rare in this industry-- 40% off on every copy so you can resell the book at whatever the retail price turns out to be and keep the balance for yourself or send it in by check to Reclaiming Judaism, and noting it is for the: Jewish Feminist Music Program Scholarship Fund (to ensure we can get you out there for programs and concerts and to schools, camps, conferences, etc.)

c.  No free copies are being made available because we are all volunteers creating this and have no way to fund a free copy for you. Sales will go to underlying printing/publicity expenses first and then to funding scholarships for promotional educational programs associated with the volume. 

d. Composers have the right to republish any of your own works that appear in this volume so long as you cite this volume as the first point of publication (if it is so for your piece(s).

Songwriter Responsibilities:

a. To send sheet music in unlocked Finale files (so we can make the manuscript pages work together) for any works that are accepted into this volume. 
We will let you know of people who can be helpful if you are not accustomed to creating your own sheet music or need an upgrade on the sheetmusic you have.
    Or, you can find or create your own sheet music so long as it can be opened by us in the Finale musical compsition and publishing program so that we can harmonize formatting for the entire volume.
   Please let us know if you are experienced in sheet music creation so that we can include your name in our list of those capable of helping with this. 

b. To promote the volume when it is ready via your networks.

c. To do your best be available to donate time to offer your piece(s) in concert at gatherings we  may be able to organize to promote the book and attendant values in your region. We anticipate that you will get great, well compensated work for yourself coming out of this project!

d. To recommend to your denominations, local Limmud and other gatherings that the volume be made available and that those in it be invited to lead sessions and concerts.  

For information contact: Rabbi Goldie Milgram, Editor-in-Chief, Reclaiming Judaism Press: rebgoldie@gmail.com