Teachings: Baby naming

Guide to Choosing a Jewish Name

This article teaches how to identify the right Jewish name for yourself, or for your child.

Healthy Integration of the Sad with the Glad

How to include the memory of loved ones during happy rites of passage

A challenging point in weddings, B-Mitzvah and baby namings can be the absence of loved ones recently deceased, who are too far off to be able to attend, who are doing military service, or who can’t be present for other reasons. What to do?

• You can have the person leading the rite invoke the memory of the absent one’s early on, if you wish; immediately after the opening verses of song, psalm or prayer is generally a good spot for this.

Baby Naming Ritual for a Single Parent Mom

This ritual also has many components that can be incorporated into a two partner Jewish baby-naming:

Mother repeats after the rabbi:

Hineini muhana u’mzumenet l’kayeim et mitzvat asei sheh-tzivanu l'hachnis et ha-bat sheli labrit
Here I am ready and prepared to fulfill the positive mitzvah of entering my daughter into the
covenant of the Jewish people.

Understanding & Appreciating the Jewish Calendar

What are the blackout dates for Jewish rites of passage?

For those scheduling Jewish life cycle ceremonies, there are hundreds of available dates as well as a number of black-out dates when rites cannot be held.

What Do Rites of Passage Accomplish?

What do Rites of Passage Accomplish? by Rabbi Goldie Milgram with Barry Bub

Rituals and their symbolic, action, and liturgical components facilitate lifecycle events or significant transitions by:

·     providing the framework of support for desired or necessary change

·     acting as speed bumps that invite reflection and integration