Downloadable 15 page Haggadah, Joyful, Spirituality Friendly 1 Hour Seder

Posted by Rabbi Goldie Milgram |

Passover is a holy opera of spirit for which we prepare by cleaning and resetting the stage of our lives. different dishes, special foods, and a whole program called the seder (order) found in a book that is updated throughout the generations-- the Haggadah. This is lest we forget the gift inherent in creation's possibilities--and that gift is freedom!

Attached at the bottom of the page that this green link takes you to you will find a simple, songful, spiritually reflective and uplifting seder Haggadah that you are free to print out and use. Created by Rabbi Goldie Milgram with Julie Schechter with the intent of a 1 hour seder with friends and family who come from many religious and secular traditions. Freely cut, paste or use it whole with attribution.

And, the insanely cool Matzah Portraits are by Cory Unger and she teaches how to make them here:

Blessings for a happy, sweet and meaningful Passover.