
In the Wake of Bomb and Storm Sheltering: A Ceremony for Thanksgiving and/or This Coming Shabbat

Posted by Rabbi Goldie Milgram |

Exceptionally Good for the Soul: Music of Yemen Blues

Posted by Rabbi Goldie Milgram |

Last week we attended the Yemen Blues concert at the Painted Bride. The only thing similarly excellent that I can think for comparison is Atzilut. If they are nearby, go enjoy this jazz-fusion-sephardi aliveness. In these troubled times it's wonderful to have something this good in your face, your ears, your spirit from Israel. Here's a link to the Moment Magazine interview with the bandleader Kahalani:

Blessing as Missiles Rain Down

Posted by Rabbi Goldie Milgram |

May all who huddle and hope for safety and peace be so blessed. May all who serve do so with the greatest possible integrity and well-being. May we be granted healthy and holy ways to support your peaceful coexistence.

Blessing for Elected Officials

Posted by Rabbi Goldie Milgram |

Blessing for Elected Officials

“May all of the women and men elected be blessed to care for the members of our nation as one best loves and cares for one's own children--

Embracing them for who they are, without discrimination based upon race, color, religion, national origin, disability, veteran status, sexual orientation, gender identity, sex, genetic information, or age.

May you establish policies that ensure good quality food, housing, healthcare, education, liberty and justice for all who reside in our land.

Mitzvah Storming Hurricane Sandy IV: Reflections and More Suggestions

Posted by Rabbi Goldie Milgram |

by Rabbi Goldie Milgram

Mitzvah Storming: More Strategic Responses You Can Take On

Posted by Rabbi Goldie Milgram |

More strategic ways to help victims of Hurricane Sandy.

a. Storm Food, Insulin, Ice and maybe fuel. Many write that gasoline is sold out where the power is out, store shelves are empty and now they can't forage long distances to find markets with food. Watch the media, if you have access to find out where this is true, go shopping and bring food if the roads are open.

More Mitzvah Storming: Do you want to be on work teams to help re hurricane Sandy

Posted by Rabbi Goldie Milgram |

Starting to collect names for Philly work teams to help out down the shore, when the relevant government and non-profit agencies are ready for us. Please be in touch if this mitzvah is for you.

Mitzvah Storming Ideas, offering and requesting

Posted by Rabbi Goldie Milgram |

Hope you are well and that everyone has their tikkun olam committee chair in touch with Red Cross and other relevant agencies to monitor what's needed, as that clarifies. What are you thinking to do to mobilize help for those affected? Thank you to all who have replied to prior emails with such an outpouring of caring and connection. How are you? Do you need any support?

As Sandy Arrives in Philadelphia

Posted by Rabbi Goldie Milgram |

Here in Philadelphia the wind is picking up and a local friend just called to report a tree snapped and is down. Feeling pure yirah, that awesome/fierce-some mitzvah of connection with All-- "shekoho malei olam"--Its strength fills the world"
   Grateful my son arrived last night from Somers Point, NJ to be with us. We pray for everyone's well-being; including my wasband Bob who elected to stay there and, I imagine, when possible, provide his services for medical emergency teams.

Mitzvah Storming for Hurricane Sandy

Posted by Rabbi Goldie Milgram |

As we batten down the hatches in anticipation of Hurricane Sandy, there are many mitzvot to undertake for family and neighbors. Here are a few that come quickly to mind that I haven't seen on the standard sites to help us prepare.