Mitzvah Storming: More Strategic Responses You Can Take On

Posted by Rabbi Goldie Milgram |

More strategic ways to help victims of Hurricane Sandy.

a. Storm Food, Insulin, Ice and maybe fuel. Many write that gasoline is sold out where the power is out, store shelves are empty and now they can't forage long distances to find markets with food. Watch the media, if you have access to find out where this is true, go shopping and bring food if the roads are open.

Red Cross is very stretched with food packets, fund them and offer to help make more. Network on Facebook, like I do, to find out others in similar areas, join together to bring a supply caravan.

b. Volunteer for a Work Party: We are collecting names for work parties to go help families clean-up their homes down the shore and NY, when government agencies allow,

c. Double Down on Winter Coat, Glove, Hat and Sweater Drive Donations. There are going to vastly more homeless folks for quite a long time. Do you really need more than one winter coat? Go through the closet and get started. Some agencies sell in thrift stores rather than delivery free to those in need - check that out, find the most ethical local depot and post to your Facebook, synagogue lists, etc.

d. Big Wheels: I wonder if this could work? How about get your organization/synagogue to buy a full (or with other synagogues youth groups or orgs) tanker shares and send in fuel for generators/cars. If you trust yourself to do this safely, network to see who has a generator now has no fuel. Carbon footprint becomes a secondary concern to the mitzvah of pikuakh nefesh, saving lives. Pneumonia is a serious problem as folks shiver and shake. Have this option in place for future disasters - we need more advance disaster tikkun olam prep in place it seems.

d. Remember your ambivalence about internet phone services? We were right to be concerned. Among those without power, we've learned some still have old-fashioned phone lines-please scan your phone lists and those of organizations to reach out to people to reduce isolation. It's not a trivial matter; social service experts are very concerned about those already depressed being further isolated by the storm.

e. Lament, vent, emptify, then, when your soul can do it, express the good once your soul lets you get back in touch with that. Often its hard to lift one's head up above trauma, respect that without succumbing to depression if you are still stuck call me, 215-438-2221 if you are isolated and want to talk. Reduce the potential for acute stress reaction to turn into PTSD, create conference call and local minyan sharing forums to speak about what this has been like for you - empty out so that you can refill with spirit -- much in life is still good.

f. Take in a new round of guests who stuck it out and now need TLC. Discuss how to help with your children and grandchildren - have them call relatives and classmates in affected areas, invite them to come and stay with you if you haven't yet. They have tried to stick it out - that may be getting very old. We are finding those who were doing so are ready for our guest room and some TLC. What's your experience?

g. Vote only for candidates and parties who get it
- we are ONE-- it being global warming, the need for carefully coordinated federal disaster programs, for quality American and world-wide environmental planning, healthcare and education -- all that. Why have I not, here-to-fore focusing on global warming initiatives? Clearly one first cares for the wounded in front of us, pikuakh nefesh in the here and now is the Jewish action directive first principle for disasters. And by the way -- have you signed up for a Mitzah Storming work party? Or are you better abled to a winter coat? Make a donation via all the national calls for funds now emerging? Go!