As Sandy Arrives in Philadelphia

Posted by Rabbi Goldie Milgram |

Here in Philadelphia the wind is picking up and a local friend just called to report a tree snapped and is down. Feeling pure yirah, that awesome/fierce-some mitzvah of connection with All-- "shekoho malei olam"--Its strength fills the world"
   Grateful my son arrived last night from Somers Point, NJ to be with us. We pray for everyone's well-being; including my wasband Bob who elected to stay there and, I imagine, when possible, provide his services for medical emergency teams.
    Incoming messages from family friends in AC/Ventnor/Margate report stunning devastation, cars floating, many houses under water. Rte 30 has collapsed around Galloway. Widespread power losses in NJ where gusts can be up to 100 mph.
    It is advisable not to watch the storm footage as seeing trauma is inherently traumatizing and whoever among us remains unhurt will need to be in good shape to help.