Jewish wedding

Deep Jewish Wedding Meditation: With or without a Veil

It is the heart-felt desire of the wedding couple for all present to welcome them with a simple chanting of a verse from the Song of Songs: "kol dodi hinei zeh bah, The Voice of My Beloved, Here It Comes." The couple close their eyes, swaying to the profound truth, savoring the holy sound of families and friends together.

Guide to Jewish Wedding Spirituality

Spiritual and Egalitarian Customizing Options

Judaism don't have the rubric of "will you, Jane, take Randolph as your lawfully wedded husband, etc." A Jewish wedding is a decision to work on living with someone in a context of committed holiness. Those who desire more mutuality in your ritual than the patriarchal norm, might appreciate the following options:

Meditation to Calm and Center Leading Up to a Wedding

Say aloud:
"This breath,
fills me with calm."
(Take a deep breath, hold, release)

Say aloud:
"This breath,
fills me with peace."
(Take a deep breath, hold, release)

Say aloud:
"This breath,
pushes back all urgencies."
(Exhale, blow as though pushing things away)