Shohama Reflects on "Superbowl" Losses and Wins

Posted by Anonymous |

When the power went out during the Super Bowl, what was a disaster for the leading brands who had paid fortunes for television marketing, became a huge win for the digital marketing agencies who on the spot produced ads that went out through Facebook and Twitter.

Not being a football fan, I learned this from my son Bryan, who heads such an agency.His advertising team was sitting with one of their major clients, who had also bought air time. When the lights went out, the ad team immediately got the client’s approval and designed an ad that went out, reaching tens and tens of thousands of people. It was their best ad day ever.

What I learned from this is they create a “culture of curiosity.” So any happening, good or bad, is viewed as an opportunity. What if we were to do the same? Instead of saying,“Oy vey,” what if we just said “Ah!” and prayed for insight on how to make lemonade out of lemons.

As we say in Jewish practice- Ken yehi ratson. May it be God’s will (or just- may it be!)

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