R' Shohama on "Inviting Your Personal Ushpizin (Spiritual Guests) for Sukkot"

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One Sukkot tradition that I love and is not so well known is the practice of inviting guests who are only in spirit.  Traditionally we invite Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, and other Biblical male ancestors, one each night. But we need not be limited to those ancestors or to the custom of inviting one each night.

 I have adopted the custom of inviting not only female Biblical ancestors, such as Sarah or Miriam, but my personal ancestors as well. It brings me both joy and comfort to do that. My father, my mother, my grandparents, aunts and uncles enhance my experience of the 8 day holiday.

For those of you who don’t have a sukkah to dwell in each night, you can still invite your personal ushpizin, your personal guests in spirit, to join you each evening. We end Sukkot with Shemini Atzeret/Simchat Torah, which, like Yom Kippur, is a time for lighting a memorial candle and saying the Yizkor prayers.

May your spiritual guests enhance your holiday—Chag Sameach!!