Omer Day Forty-Six: Triumph of Shechinah

Posted by Rabbi Goldie Milgram |
Ingeborg Rapoport via Google Advanced Images

There is still time before the sun sets on Day 46 of the Omer to contemplate Netzach b'Malchut. The story of 102 year-old Ingeborg Rapoport came, she "was denied her PhD from the University of Hamburg in 1938 due to her Jewish heritage. After successfully defending her thesis 77 years after she author it, the retired neo-natologist will finally receive her doctorate in June--making her the oldest person to ever receive a PhD." This arrived on the perfect day of the Omer journey as Netzach is associated with ambition, drive, persistence and triumph and Malchut with Shechinah manifesting. Sometimes an inner maggid arises with guidance, and today reminds me to share we can alternate BAT David with BEN David on Havdallah and Pesach. This might help our yearning for maschiach tzeit to come through--a time of full equality and peaceful co-existence which can only come through the Tree via Malchut--Shechinah. Perhaps bringing this to consciousness will empower this as Rabbi Leila Gal Berner composed re another face of Shechinah--Miriam: bimheyrah b'yameinu hi ti'vi-einu el mei ha-yeshua--soon she will brings us to the waters of redemption. We are so close to Shavuot and today the breaking waters of redemption seem so near! Ingeborg Rapoport--I am dancing in your honor! Thank you for helping to bring us to this Omer Day 46. Photo credit: Google Images and the photographer's name is on it though I can't read the tiny lettering.