Omer Day Forty-One: Preparing to Transmit Your Foundation

Posted by Rabbi Goldie Milgram |
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Hurray! Computer has returned from yet another repair trip since brown out on Day Seventeen. There is still time before sunset, on this forty-first day of the Omer, to engaged in the exponential spiritual practice of contemplating Yesod sheh b'Yesod. When I asked Reb Zalman, z"l, how a woman might best relate to the place of Yesod on the Tree of Life (which the ancient Kabbalists placed over the male genitalia) he leaned back and softened his gaze, eventually suggesting: "Allow yourself to fill with a sense of your foundation--Yesod." After a time he added, "Now surround this with the divine urge to Yesod—to transmit this foundation." This is one way to sense into today's Omer pilgrimage station of "Yesod sheh b'Yesod". Shabbat Shalom blessings from my heart to yours.