
Creating New and Adapted Jewish Ritual

Phases in the Creation and Enactment of a New or Adapted Jewish Rite of Passage
written by Rabbi Goldie Milgram with Barry Bub, M.D.

Phase I. Preparation
The initial idea:

You have felt the need to enact or commemorate a major event in your life. A thought occurs - how about a ritual? Some questions:

·     What is the significance of the transition, what do I want the ritual to support, what do I need?

·     What metaphors, myths, or stories from Jewish and local culture come to mind as symbolizing me or my transition?

Must we use wine in Jewish ritual?

What is the significance of wine in Jewish Ritual?

Dear Rabbi:

I'm know a couple who doesn't want wine or grape juice used for the wedding blessings. What's your opinion about this? Is there a good and honorable substitute?

with appreciation, Rabbi C

Dear Rabbi C:

a. I have had occasion to serve a congregation that often used a cluster of large purple grapes for all "wine-"related blessing moments due to the number of recovering alcoholics in that "bunch."