
Be-Ha'alotecha: Miriam, Isaiah: We've Got Your Backs

This article first appeared in the IRAC newsletter

"Miriam and Aaron spoke against Moses because of the Kushite woman whom he had married: for he had married a Kushite woman." --Numbers 12:1

Tazria Metzora - Parsha Politics: Why Tza-ra’at is not Leprosy

When Miriam Hit the Stained Glass Ceiling

A condition called Tza-ra’at appears frequently in the Torah and occurs prominently in this section. We’ve seen the term previously: Magically coming and going upon Moses’ hand to convince Pharaoh; as a symptom manifested by Miriam which leads to Moses’ famous prayer for her healing (ana el na r’fa na la); and in our reading it even is used to described a substance growing or appearing on houses, garments, hair and beards.