
How and Why to Include Children at Your Wedding

Those who have children of their own, or in the family, and who are planning a Jewish wedding often wonder as to the wisdom of involving the children in the ritual. There are a number of considerations involved and every family is different. 

Bedikat Chametz in Our Homes and in Our Relationships

The following story clarifies the traditional and spiritual elements of the process known as bedikat chametz, searching for chametz* in your home.

Four Special Children

Four Special Children
by Rabbi Goldie Milgram and Barry Bub, MD

What does it mean when a child
is described as being wise?

Is she filled with wisdom based on life experience?
Not simply the first to raise her hand in response to a question,
But also imbued with awareness of when to answer first,
and when to hold back
When to respect others, those gifted with other forms of intelligence
that she may not have
such as the ability
to be